Buckeye Dealership Consulting offers all-inclusive tire and wheel replacement services in order to give your customers the best possible protection and peace of mind. We know that tire damage and other issues are all but unavoidable, so our plan is to give you and your customers the next best thing.
Our coverage provides protection of your drivers against road hazards like metal, nails, glass, potholes, debris and more over the term of the contract agreement. Additionally, customers can have repairs and replacements completed at your dealership if it is within your workable area.
What’s more, our tire and wheel insurance program also includes 24/7 roadside assistance, towing and rental car reimbursement options as additional perks to keep your customers satisfied and worry-free.
Choose Buckeye Dealership Consulting Today
Our tire and wheel insurance program is just one of various services we provide at Buckeye Dealership Consulting, falling under the retail dealers umbrella. We service hundreds of dealers and reinsurance companies across the nation in the automotive space, including Buy Here Pay Here (BHPH), retail, and independent finance companies.
Why Buckeye Dealership Consulting
Founded in 2008, Buckeye Dealership Consulting was assembled on knowledge and experience in the F&I reinsurance market for franchise dealers, and have focused on independent dealers and tailored our program to fit the business model. Through these programs, we are helping dealers control their risk, improve cash flow, and increase the bottom line.
If you are a retail dealer, you know the back-end profit has become more important than ever. For BHPH dealers, in your business, cash is king. We have optimized our reinsurance structure to maintain access to your capital and maximize cash flow.