Strategic Partners

Clifton Larson Allen

CLA is a professional services firm delivering integrated public accounting, wealth advisory, and outsourcing capabilities to help enhance our dealership clients’ enterprise value and assist them in growing and managing their related personal assets — all the way from startup to succession and beyond.

Our dealership practice is one of the largest in the nation. With over 55 dedicated dealership industry professionals, we combine local expertise and service with national resources. Our team members are trained to provide accounting and financial services with a unique understanding of the dealership industry, related finance companies, reinsurance structures and other services unique to dealerships.

For more information, visit:



PrimaLend Capital

PrimaLend Capital Partners is a Dallas-based commercial lender, providing revolving lines of credit and inventory floor plans to independent auto dealers nationwide. PrimaLend employs a uniquely responsive high-service organization that allows dealers to focus on selling more cars and developing stronger relationships with their customers. At PrimaLend, we help our dealer partners grow their BHPH portfolios and build equity in their businesses.

For more information, visit:



Assurant & First Extended

Assurant is a pioneer in F&I protection products, offering custom-built, clearly priced and fully supported solutions that fit the needs of independent dealers and help meet their sales goals. First Extended’s Dealer Obligor program makes it simple for dealers to establish their own service and maintenance programs – all while giving you complete control over your investment earnings.  If that wasn’t compelling enough, their program is also reinsurable.

For more information, visit:


National Independent Auto Dealers Association “NIADA”

The National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (NIADA) is among the nation’s largest trade associations, representing the used motor vehicle industry comprised of more than 38,000 licensed used car dealers. Since 1946, NIADA has represented the voice and interests of used car dealers at the federal level in Washington D.C. Coupled with its state association network across the country, NIADA’s grass-roots framework provides a dual layer of advocacy unmatched in the used motor vehicle industry.

For more than 70 years, NIADA has engineered programs and leveraged technology to fulfill its mission to advance, educate and promote the independent used car dealer. NIADA members subscribe to a strict Code of Ethics of duty, honor and integrity, and believe in the advancement of small business in support of the free-market system. More information about NIADA programs and educational opportunities is available at and

Buckeye Dealership Consulting is the provider for the NIADA Certified Pre-Owned Warranty for Buy Here Pay Here dealers.



Berkshire Risk Solutions

Berkshire Risk Services provides innovative insurance and risk management programs designed to quantify and manage the risk of uninsured property losses. Our clients include banks, credit unions, consumer finance companies and leasing companies.


American Risk Solutions

American Risk Services specializes in risk management products and services designed to protect the assets of financial institutions. Our specialization also includes fee income products that are sold through automotive dealers, finance and insurance departments, and bank branches.

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